Copy Listing. Need to copy your listing information to eBay or Mercari?

Copy Listing is a brand new feature we added to SELLER | INSIGHT. It allows you to quickly copy parts of the listing's detail, so you can paste it elsewhere. This is a great way to quickly re-list items on Poshmark or manually cross-list them to other platforms, such as eBay or Mercari.


See it in action!
Featured content by Chelsea.

Some features are much easier to convey via video! Make sure to check out Chelsea's YouTube channel and Instagram account for more helpful content!

Listing Info. eBay, Mercari, and Other.

Each tab is custom tailored for listing on that particular platform. This is achieved by controlling the order in which we display listing detail. We try to replicate the order in which a new listing is entered on that platform.


Copy. Paste.

Tap on the data that you want to copy. As soon as you tap on the listing information, we copy it to your clipboard.


Open the Poshmark, eBay, or Mercari app. We attempt to open the respective app automatically to streamline the process!

When you tap to copy listing info, we copy it to the clipboard and automatically try to open the respective app on your device, if one is installed. Then you simply paste the contents of the clipboard and repeat the process for other sections.


Save Photos. Save all of your listing photos to your device at once.

In case you need to upload listing's photos, we have conveniently included our existing "Save Photos" feature on this screen as well. Simply tap it and we will save all photos to a new album called "SELLER INSIGHT".


Easy cleanup. After you are finished, delete all of the saved listing photos with a simple tap.

There is no need to clutter up your phone with all these listing photos. As soon as you are finished copying the listing to another platform, you can delete all of the photos you saved earlier by tapping on the "DELETE PHOTOS YOU SAVED" button!
